Sunday, July 8, 2007

Shameless Self Promotion Ahead!

The Johnson City Press helped to increase the size of my head this last week when they ran a very large story in their "Taste" section about me and some of my favorite summertime recipes.

You can read the entire article here, including the recipes.

It was a lot of fun having a reporter and photographer come out to the house, talk to me and play with my food! This is the second piece about my cooking to run in the Taste section since we moved here, and the fourth time I've been interviewed (one was politcal, the other was about Hybrid cars and the people who drive them). It's kind of fun getting the attention, and it is refreshing that they don't just focus on people like this all the time:


Anonymous said...

(Laughing) I loved your post and comment about the poodle girl. Tired of seeing that stretched smile and faux-poo personality myself. Glad the Press made it to your place for some real world media. The Lemon Soup looks yummy!

Snad said...

David -

Thanks for checking out the post and website. I hope I am not making myself sound stupid, but how do I know you? Your name sounds familiar, but I'm not sure why. I checked out your website, and feel pretty certain I've run into you at some point in the Tri-cities arts scene or somewhere similar. In any case, come on over to the house, some time. I'll make a batch of Greek Lemon Soup and who knows what else. We'll talk about the incredible music scene in this region.


Snad said...

By the way, I have nothing against Ashley G, really. I just can't imagine being her.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Sure, the reporter played with your "food." Uh huh. Like we believe that.

On an even funnier note that horrid creature Ashley G is on our local Video on Demand channel. She does a show about how little girls can win beauty pagents. It's as funny as it is unwatchable.