Monday, July 2, 2007

Yancey Blevins Kopiski Joins the Fun on Stoney Creek

This is Yancey. He is about 9 weeks old. He is the smallest of the three surviving kittens born to Miss Mittens around Easter, and is the only gray one. He was the most cuddly of the three, which is why we chose him. Selfish, I know, but I want a kitten that will curl up in my arm and purr away a rainy night. He fits the bill splendidly.

There have been adjustments, of course. Moses was not eager to see another youngster come into the house. Ralph Stanley was down right intimidated. Hazel was willing to go along with things until the first night, when Yancey tried to nurse from her. After that, she wants nothing to do with the upstart. I can't tell if she is just being antagonistic because he is an unneutered male or because he's not a dog. It would appear those two strikes against his character are enough to put Miss Hazel into quite a snit.

Meanwhile the other two cats are warming up to the little thing. Moses does not want to be jumped on, but otherwise tolerates his new roomie fairly well (for a curmudgeon). Ralph Stanley has started playing with him, and plans to teach him how to open the closet doors for himself. Ironically - perhaps - his best non-human friend is Chester. They enjoy each other's company immensely. It reminds me of this:

Look here for the entire classic cartoon.

He is an adorable little thing, even when he climbs my back when I'm at the computer (as he ow just ouch did yow!).

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